It is not a problem for me & my family whenever we go to Langkawi in terms of logistic. There will alwiz b a place to stay coz my parents bought 1 of d room in Langkawi Lagoon Resort. It's spacious & can fit up to four person. Kitchen is also included.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Our Honeymoon
Me & hubby like most newly weds in Malaysia went to Langkawi for our honeymoon. We stayed there fr 19th till 22nd of Oct. Thanx to my parents for sponsoring our honeymoon which is d best wedding present given to us..=D
It is not a problem for me & my family whenever we go to Langkawi in terms of logistic. There will alwiz b a place to stay coz my parents bought 1 of d room in Langkawi Lagoon Resort. It's spacious & can fit up to four person. Kitchen is also included.
It is not a problem for me & my family whenever we go to Langkawi in terms of logistic. There will alwiz b a place to stay coz my parents bought 1 of d room in Langkawi Lagoon Resort. It's spacious & can fit up to four person. Kitchen is also included.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Review : Catering
The 2 things dat were not included in Lin's package are d door gifts & catering..thank God for dat! Actually Lin lured us in taking catering too but my parents insisted in having Hj Ahmad Catering bcoz they had been with us since my engagement day. The fud mmg doubt about it. Price pun reasonable. Since my parents is their loyal customer..they usually gave us extra in terms of fud for d guest & sometimes complimentary gift like dis wedding cake...
Everything is so delicious fr d rice to all d lauks. The dessert..YUMMY! For my reception d dessert is bubur pulut hitam & i dun get to taste it..uwaaaaa...!! Every1 said dat it is nice & d best they ever tasted! Even my dessert is black..=p

Saturday, December 25, 2010
Review : Wedding Planner
My wedding planner is Azlin or Lin fr Ratu Sehari. I forgot his real name..Azrul i think. This nyah claim to b a neurosurgeon. Can't believe i fell for it! He was introduced by Along, my mother's staff at d office. According to Along, Lin did a wonderful job for d wedding of my mother's director niece. Unfortunately it seem to b d opposite for us.
He kept asking for money eventho we couldn't see d outcome of it. His laim reason is dat he dun have enuff money to buy all d materials. Bullshit! Xkn xde modal..kata neurosurgeon! We all follow je his flow to d point dat mother could not stand anymore & say dat she will lodge a police report if he continue to behave like this. After dat br nmpk ckit where d money goes.
My package under Azlin Ratu Sehari:
List of his work dat i hated:
We alwiz discuss at home bcoz my mother is not well. Mmg snang..mother can also join d discussion but u urself have to take d initiative to check whether ur wedding planner is telling d truth or not. I admit it's my fault dat i concentrate so much on my work rather than my own wedding Eventho my mother insisted dat Lin should b my wedding planner..i should take d blame.
My wedding is not all dat bad pun. Behind d scene mmg kecoh ckit but fr d eyes of our guest dat came..everything is juz fine. Alhamdulillah with d help of so many wedding goes on as planned. A big thank u to my family for making my big day came true and also not to forget d staff of MKM dat carry d burden 2gether with us in having dis event of a lifetime.
He kept asking for money eventho we couldn't see d outcome of it. His laim reason is dat he dun have enuff money to buy all d materials. Bullshit! Xkn xde modal..kata neurosurgeon! We all follow je his flow to d point dat mother could not stand anymore & say dat she will lodge a police report if he continue to behave like this. After dat br nmpk ckit where d money goes.
My package under Azlin Ratu Sehari:
1. Wedding card
2. New wedding dress for nikah, small brinai & reception (plus accessories, veil & shoes)
3. Make-up 3x
4. Pelamin dewan 3 panel (artificial flower)
5. Hand bouquet (fresh flower)
6. 2 bunting & 1 banner
7. Deco hantaran (fresh flower)
8. Deco bilik pgantin (fresh flower)
9. 2 Canopy for reception
10. Arch
11. Wedding cake
12. Photographer
13. Videographer
List of his work dat i hated:
- Both my nikah kurung & wedding dress for d reception xde lining eventho i repeatedly say kna ade lining bcoz i'm wearing tudung..
- Some of d flowers for my hand bouquet dh layu even on d 1st day & i dun ask for PEARLS!
- For my hand bouquet, i want it to b wrap with a simple black satin ribbon but NOPE! He did it his way..
- I only see & get to wear my wedding gown on d big day itself! Giler! Xde fitting!!
- Pelamin only siap late nite before d big day! So i dun have d chance to criticise his work..
- I dun like d butterflies at my pelamin..since when did i tell him dat i one what i remembered..XDE PUN! Memandai je ek..
- Specifically told him dat i only want black & white for my wedding cake..NO any other color but *BAM* there's even green!
- I want my wedding cake to b as simple as possible..juz 3 layers with a simple black ribbon but then AGAIN..ikut suke hati dia je!
- The bunting is damn ugly! It's so clear keje org malas..
We alwiz discuss at home bcoz my mother is not well. Mmg snang..mother can also join d discussion but u urself have to take d initiative to check whether ur wedding planner is telling d truth or not. I admit it's my fault dat i concentrate so much on my work rather than my own wedding Eventho my mother insisted dat Lin should b my wedding planner..i should take d blame.
My wedding is not all dat bad pun. Behind d scene mmg kecoh ckit but fr d eyes of our guest dat came..everything is juz fine. Alhamdulillah with d help of so many wedding goes on as planned. A big thank u to my family for making my big day came true and also not to forget d staff of MKM dat carry d burden 2gether with us in having dis event of a lifetime.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Review : Pelamin
I only did wedding reviews for my side & not for my hubby's side except for d make-up bcoz i have no saying in choosing d dress & pelamin for btandang..all is chosen by my in-laws.
::: 09.10.2010 :::
By ADL Weddings
Added chairs by my wedding planner
::: 10.10.2010 :::
By Azlin Ratu Sehari Bridal Boutique
View of d walk-way (picture taken d nite before d event)

I knew Kak Nazira, d owner of ADL Weddings fr a wedding fair in MidValley Megamall if i'm not mistaken. Soon after dat, i went to her boutique at Selayang & discuss further. At 1st i decided to take her as my wedding planner but cancelled after a long thought coz i'm not satisfied with d pricing. Since i've already paid RM200 deposit, i only requested them to do a mini pelamin for me.
::: 10.10.2010 :::

My wedding planner did d pelamin for d reception @ MKM. He also gave me those bunga pahar placed on d left & right of d pelamin. I like it but not so over d top bcoz i dun like d fabric's pattern of d chairs & prefer it without butterflies.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Review : Wedding Dress
::: Black & White :::
For nikah, d wedding planner didn't provide baju melayu for my hubby..only d kurung for me & it's a new one. I'm not dat particular in choosing d design & fabric. The only thing dat i stressed on is dat it must be a black & white modern kurung.
::: Black Songket :::

I'm luving it! Black & silver so goes 2gether especially if these colors are on a songket. It is simple but yet elegant. I also like d crown..cute with dat pretty lil' flowers. I even dun mind if these songket were to b weared during our reception.
::: Black & Grey :::

My fave of them all is of course my wedding dress for d reception. It's a fusion dress which combines malay & english wedding dress. Laced kebaya on top & flowy chiffon gown at d bottom. Unlike my nikah dress..for dis i really sat down & discuss a few times with d wedding planner what i want with d help of bridal mags & d internet.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Review : Make-Up
Make-up for my side is done by Kak Sha. She's d MUA given by my wedding planner. My package with d wedding planner includes make-up for nikah, brinai kecik & reception. I think she's a freelance MUA. Overall i'm impressed with her work..not juz make-up but also her skill in wearing tudung. According to my wedding planner, she does charge a reasonable price for 1 make-up session.
::: Akad Nikah :::
Before putting on my lipstick
The final result
Brinai kecik...touch-up ckit2 je...
For d next day plak d make-up is much heavier at d eye part. I requested for smoking eye. Is not as dark as i wanted it to b but it's close. The only thing dat i'm not dat fond of is d lipstick. She doesn't have d color dat i want. Dat is 1 lesson learnt. For every bride-to-be, make sure u provide pictures for ur MUA to see what exatly dat u want. We're not expert here juz by saying or d MUA may not understand ur exact desire. Remember dat pictures say a thousand words...;)
::: Big Day :::
The crown as d final touch...
and i'm done!
For d next day plak d make-up is much heavier at d eye part. I requested for smoking eye. Is not as dark as i wanted it to b but it's close. The only thing dat i'm not dat fond of is d lipstick. She doesn't have d color dat i want. Dat is 1 lesson learnt. For every bride-to-be, make sure u provide pictures for ur MUA to see what exatly dat u want. We're not expert here juz by saying or d MUA may not understand ur exact desire. Remember dat pictures say a thousand words...;)
::: Big Day :::
For my hubby side, make-up is done by a freelance MUA, Kak Yus. I 1st saw her work when i attended my fren's wedding. Her make-up caught my eye & i absolutely luv it. Kak yus make-up was lite & not as heavy as during my side. She dun take much time either. I prefer what she did for my fren tho but dats not dat bad pun. At least my twin sis seems to like it.
::: Bertandang :::

Monday, December 13, 2010
17 October 2010
Exactly 1 week after my big d btandang ceremony at KKB. Since i have not much cuti..only 5 days left & i'm saving it for d honeymoon..i when back to d office on Thursday & Friday which is a couple of days before d event. I dun really have to prepare anyhting..juz went to d bridal boutique for a final fitting on d 16th & have a gud gud rest. One thing for sure, d preparation on his side is so much more tiring bcoz xde catering..merewang je..phewww..need hard work & patience!
Before bsanding..we started off with khatam Quran. Hubby's siblings also joined d ceremony. I was nervous at 1st..thinking dat i might mistakenly pronounce some of d words but thank God i'm ok all d way thru.
I'm so happy dat my family came all d way to see me wed especially to my mother eventho she is sick..sggup dtg juz to see her daughter. I'm so touched by dat. Thank u mother..u mean d world to me. My parents side of d family pun dtg 2gether with our ex-neighbour fr Taman Tenaga..tharu sgt..tqvm for coming..
Before bsanding..we started off with khatam Quran. Hubby's siblings also joined d ceremony. I was nervous at 1st..thinking dat i might mistakenly pronounce some of d words but thank God i'm ok all d way thru.
I'm so happy dat my family came all d way to see me wed especially to my mother eventho she is sick..sggup dtg juz to see her daughter. I'm so touched by dat. Thank u mother..u mean d world to me. My parents side of d family pun dtg 2gether with our ex-neighbour fr Taman Tenaga..tharu sgt..tqvm for coming..
Sunday, December 12, 2010
10 October 2010
Still blum recover lg fr d kepenatan of ystrday's event..i have to get ready plak for my reception at Maktab Kerjasama Malaysia (MKM). I'm so excited. The day is finally here. Weird isn't it? I'm more excited 2day than ystrday..huhu..d reason is bcoz i've got to see my frenz..lecturers..bosses..whom some of them i haven't met in such a long time.
Wake up early & prepare myself to go to MKM. The hall where my wedding will b held is actually F.O.C! Thanx to MKM's management & staff for dat since my mother had been working there for such a long time & being a gud officer & boss to them. They even provide me & hubby a VIP room where we can put on our wedding dress & have my make-up done. The VIP room is inclusive of a living room with tv, 2 beds & a big bathroom. It's juz like we're in a hotel.
King & Queen of d day
Yummy but we dun get to enjoy d fud coz coming right up is d...
...cake-cutting ceremony!!
Alhamdulliah..everything goes as planned eventho there's a few panic moment..huhu..but dats ok. All of this precious memories will be remembered for many many yrs to come. Lucky me to have a wonderful family & best of frenz to help me overcome difficulties throughout my wedding. THANK U! *xoxo*
Wake up early & prepare myself to go to MKM. The hall where my wedding will b held is actually F.O.C! Thanx to MKM's management & staff for dat since my mother had been working there for such a long time & being a gud officer & boss to them. They even provide me & hubby a VIP room where we can put on our wedding dress & have my make-up done. The VIP room is inclusive of a living room with tv, 2 beds & a big bathroom. It's juz like we're in a hotel.

Alhamdulliah..everything goes as planned eventho there's a few panic moment..huhu..but dats ok. All of this precious memories will be remembered for many many yrs to come. Lucky me to have a wonderful family & best of frenz to help me overcome difficulties throughout my wedding. THANK U! *xoxo*
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