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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Beauty Is In The Eyes Of The Beholder

If i'm not mistaken & what i heard is correct..Oprah said dat d top 3 most gud looking guyz in d world is..

1) Rob Pattinson

1st noticed him in d movie Harry Potter & had already found him gud looking back then. Never thought dat he's rise to stardom is so fast after Twilight.

2) Nacho Figueras

One of d guest in Oprah last nite. Oh my..he's not juz gud looking but so charming & passionate about his career as a polo player. This Argentinian guy is a model for Polo fragrance by Ralph Lauren & married with 2 kids.

3) Brad Pitt
Nothing else to say but to agree. For me..he's gud looking & cute at d same time. Born in December 1963, he started doing various jobs ranged fr a chauffeur to dressing up as a chicken before beginning his acting career in 1987.

Some may agree & i know some will disagree on d listing. Wat eva it is..these guyz have been crowned to b d world's most gud looking guy. Wonder how Nabi Yusuf a.s. looks like..=)

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