Thursday, December 31, 2009
31% Discount On Every 31st

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Mother is not working 2day...she took EL coz father's sick & has diarrhea. Surprised to see her already at home since i alwiz reached home 1st after office before her but i'm not surprised at all to NOT see father at home even after i know his condition. He's so workaholic...x sihat pn...he still make time for his patient & now he's not even back yet...hermmm...juz hope dat he's ok & get well soon...
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Nando's Again
By now who ever dat read this blog must have known what i'm gonna say juz by looking at d title...hehe...yes yes yes...u r absolutely correct...my boss belanja Nando's again! Alhamdulillah...company semakin untung kot...;)
As alwiz...i'm d one dat was in charge of calling for delivery after one of my officemate collect orders. Everytime msti nk suh NJ...it's not dat hard...juz pick up d phone, dial 1-300-88-6555 & make ur order...as simple as ABC.
Since i'm sick of Nando's chicken...i chose to have beef instead. Surprisingly...eventho i've been to Nando's about a gazillion times already...i never ordered this before...hermm...why huh?!
As alwiz...i'm d one dat was in charge of calling for delivery after one of my officemate collect orders. Everytime msti nk suh NJ...it's not dat hard...juz pick up d phone, dial 1-300-88-6555 & make ur order...as simple as ABC.
Since i'm sick of Nando's chicken...i chose to have beef instead. Surprisingly...eventho i've been to Nando's about a gazillion times already...i never ordered this before...hermm...why huh?!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Queue Up Please...
These is d 2nd time around...he went with us last Friday. Now he already know how to make order without having to queue for so long. Came as early as possible...about 8:30PM...and wait till it open & b one of d 1st to make order. Don't get fooled by those dat sell nasi kandar before 10PM. They shared d same stall...so some people...mainly d ones dat are not fr Png...mistaken it fr d original nasi kandar beratur which starts at 10PM & above.
We finally get our fud at about 10:30PM. It tasted so gud...d best i ever had...YUM! After i finish eating...i went to d sink & wash my hand...saw dat d line was getting longer & i heard some1 said dat...'tgk tu...dia dh bsuh tgn dh...kite duk beratur lg'...hehe..sabaq la noo...
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Wedding : Dress For The Bride Part II
Not only me but i guess most brides in M'sia prefer kebaya rather than kurung during d sanding ceremony...kurungs juz look weird...x sesuaiii...bak kata Kak Engku...;)
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Knew Nizam 1st before As when i was studying in UiTM Shah Alam. We're in d same course & class. At dat time Nizam was not with As yet. His in a relationship with Shida whose also my course-mate & she'd already married with some1 else last June. I got invited & did go to her wedding. Dun know what's d reason they break-up but glad dat both of 'em end up with some1 else & get married..;)
At d end of last yr..i came to know As via Friendster. I'm not sure why she add me but our friendship started fr there. Never met her till 2day..only chat thru d internet. I felt bad dat i didn't get to attend their wedding. Hers took place in Sabah..i couldn't go there for sure but for btandang pun x dtg. Dat shows dat we can plan as much as we want to but only Allah can determine whether it is possible to happen or not. The 1 thing dat i can do right now is to say......CONGRATZ to AS & NIZAM!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Stop By KKB
Me, my parents, dr dot & ct left d house around 9am. Went for bfast at Ubi Kayu & then off to Equine Park to see d progress on our house. Sadly, not much different. So i think most probably my wedding would not be held in d new house..x smpat kot..*sigh*.
Then we stop by Boo's house at Ampang Pecah, KKB. Mother wanted to go there to discuss on our big day & also coz d rest of my family haven't step foot in their house yet. His parents & family had came to our house plenty of time already..so why not this time my family plak.
YEAHHH..i'm glad dat d wedding date is fixed! At first my parents & his parents were thinking of doing our wed in July. Mother asked my opinion..i juz said..'x kesah' but i do actually..huhu..but i had to agree with them coz i dun have d right to have d final saying..it's my parents nyer majlis eventho it's my wedding..juz have to accept & agree on everything they said. After a lot of consideration & a lil' help from Boo..they finally came to a conclusion & chose d date dat i alwiz wanted..YIPPEEE...!!
At about 12:30pm we started back our journey heading to Png. On d way..i suddenly wanted to pee. So we stop at R&R Gua Semanggol if i'm not mistaken. Huiyoo..there's so many people lining up till outside of d toilet! Ape lg..xjd la nk msuk. Then hurry to d petrol station & it's d same situation! Well..blame on d school holidays. Cuba try test plak on d next R&R & same gak but this time i can't hold it any longer..really really got to go..so nk xnk i did still lined up waiting for my turn..at least this time d queue is not dat long but man..d flies is everywhere..euuwww..gross! The minute i step out of d toilet..d line had grew triple!
Alhamdulillah..we reached Png safely. Stayed at Vistana Hotel & Jannah's already there. Mother asked her to check-in 1st. After Asar, we ate laksa & char kuey teow at somewhere near a beach. Laksa was yummylicious but d kuey teow was salty. If only they less d salt..it would have been nice. For dinner plak we have nasi kandar at d famous Nasi Kandar Beratur. I'll post solely about it later in my other entry k coz now it's time for bed..nitey nite...
Then we stop by Boo's house at Ampang Pecah, KKB. Mother wanted to go there to discuss on our big day & also coz d rest of my family haven't step foot in their house yet. His parents & family had came to our house plenty of time already..so why not this time my family plak.
YEAHHH..i'm glad dat d wedding date is fixed! At first my parents & his parents were thinking of doing our wed in July. Mother asked my opinion..i juz said..'x kesah' but i do actually..huhu..but i had to agree with them coz i dun have d right to have d final saying..it's my parents nyer majlis eventho it's my wedding..juz have to accept & agree on everything they said. After a lot of consideration & a lil' help from Boo..they finally came to a conclusion & chose d date dat i alwiz wanted..YIPPEEE...!!
At about 12:30pm we started back our journey heading to Png. On d way..i suddenly wanted to pee. So we stop at R&R Gua Semanggol if i'm not mistaken. Huiyoo..there's so many people lining up till outside of d toilet! Ape lg..xjd la nk msuk. Then hurry to d petrol station & it's d same situation! Well..blame on d school holidays. Cuba try test plak on d next R&R & same gak but this time i can't hold it any longer..really really got to go..so nk xnk i did still lined up waiting for my turn..at least this time d queue is not dat long but man..d flies is everywhere..euuwww..gross! The minute i step out of d toilet..d line had grew triple!
Alhamdulillah..we reached Png safely. Stayed at Vistana Hotel & Jannah's already there. Mother asked her to check-in 1st. After Asar, we ate laksa & char kuey teow at somewhere near a beach. Laksa was yummylicious but d kuey teow was salty. If only they less d salt..it would have been nice. For dinner plak we have nasi kandar at d famous Nasi Kandar Beratur. I'll post solely about it later in my other entry k coz now it's time for bed..nitey nite...
Thursday, December 24, 2009
When Is It?

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Best Performance Ever
What so great about this performance is not bcoz of d performer on stage but bcoz of d AUDIENCE. Only 800 people were taught this dance & they had to spread to another 20,200! *WOW* Bravo to d choreographer, Michael Gracey & every1 dat involved in this show.
At d beginning of d clip i was wondering..what's wrong with this crazy lady..jump up & down alone with all this crowd..hehe..it's so funny. When others started to dance..then i realized how cool it is..every1 played their part beautifully.
I Gotta Feelin' by the Black Eyed Peas
At d beginning of d clip i was wondering..what's wrong with this crazy lady..jump up & down alone with all this crowd..hehe..it's so funny. When others started to dance..then i realized how cool it is..every1 played their part beautifully.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Two Days Straight

Monday, December 21, 2009
A New Day Has Come
Glad dat i finally received a new load of work last week & i don't have to do d work dat i did previously. My assistant manager chaired a meeting & revealed to every1 what task dat we have to do everyday. Each of us were given something to b incharged of & dat makes it easier for us to refer to whom if any problem occur. My work load is quite a lot compare to some of my officemates but i take it as a challenge. Struggle a bit in d past couple of days..now..i kinda got d hang of it. What i like most about it is dat it involved calculations..x la boring sgt. All d task is not dat hard actually tho once in a while it gives me headache. Probably coz i'm not 100% expert in those work yet. Need time to get use to what i'm doing & improve myself to b a better employee.
~ Shocked to hear about d death of Brittany Murphy, 32. She suffered fr cardiac arrest & was pronounced dead ystrday morning at 10:04AM.
~ Shocked to hear about d death of Brittany Murphy, 32. She suffered fr cardiac arrest & was pronounced dead ystrday morning at 10:04AM.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
3 Days 2 Nights in Port Dickson
18 Dec 09 : At 1:30PM, me & mother join father & ct at Thistle (recently changed it name fr Guaman) in PD coz father is working there till Sunday. Have our lunch at one of d restaurant nearby. The fud is ok la..not dat bad but it's not dat gud either.
Asam pedas & tempe..Melaka meets Jawa..=P
Luv d bottles
Dinner at a chinese restaurant

19 Dec 09 : Have to wake up early in d morning to send ct to KUIS for her Puteri Islam. We started our journey after Subuh prayer & reach Bandar Seri Putra around 8:30PM. Breakfast at a mamak stall & wait till ct's activity is over. We're supposed to go to Kak Roziah's wed whose a fren to mother but we didn't since mother had some paper work to do in her office & we have to b at home by 2PM coz father will pick us up to go back to PD. Oh man..he's so workaholic. After his conference at noon..he headed to UMSC to see his patient. Then go back to PD to continue where he had left. Pheww..what a hectic day!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
25th Sea Games
Congratz to d M'sian team for collecting 40 gold medals fr d current SEA Games held in Laos which makes M'sia to b at d fourth place in d rank. Big applause goes out to all our athletes especially to d football team for beating up Vietnam by 1 goal..hurrayyy!! It's shocking for most of us coz we at last won d SEA Games men's football after 20 yrs & i consider dat as a huge achievement. Hope dat we'll continue to b like this & even better in d near future for other sports event. Malaysia Boleh!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Wedding : Dress For The Bride Part I
For this post i'll b focusing only on d nikah dress. I personally prefer kurung than kebaya for nikah but d modern version of kurung..not d traditional ones.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
All The Way From Langkawi

I checked d cocoa content for Cadbury & it stated dat only 21% of cocoa & 28% milk. Imagine if it was 100% like Willie's cocoa product..it must have been very bitter.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

* Statistics fr FAO.org shows dat M'sia was d 11th country to produce d most cacao in d world for d yr 2001.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Happiness To Sorrow
My condolences goes out to Teh & her family. What a tragedy. I felt sympathy for her..being a bride for only 3 hours! Not only dat she loss her hubby in d accident but also both of her in-laws. When i 1st heard about d sad news..my heart beats so fast. Boo was straight away in my mind at dat time. I can imagine if dat same situation happen to me..=(
All d best for Teh & hope dat she can cope with this difficult test eventho there's no doubt about it dat it's going to b really really hard for her to go thru her everyday life. May d four rest in peace & tgolong di antara org2 briman..al-Fatihah..
All d best for Teh & hope dat she can cope with this difficult test eventho there's no doubt about it dat it's going to b really really hard for her to go thru her everyday life. May d four rest in peace & tgolong di antara org2 briman..al-Fatihah..
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Shazreena's Wed
Left house early, before 8am to fetch father at d airport & then shoot off to my couz's wed. Since we reached there early..we help in anything we could. All d fud were already cooked by my eldest couz, Kak Ani. Reena still adapting d traditional way of malay wed dat is 'merewang' where villagers came to help in cooking, washing dishes & anything possible so dat d wed will go on smoothly. It does cut cost & fud tasted much better but it is damn tiring..tgk pun lotih..=P


Marhaban group
Mother's side of d family did also come to d wed. Nenek supposed to come along too but plan changed at d last minute coz she's not feeling well..cian nenek..=(

Mak Noi & Pcik Muhd

Pak Uda with his family & Busu

Muslimah flower gurlz..hehe..1st time i witness this..

Reena in green
We didn't wait for d groom to arrive coz my parents are leaving for Langkawi this evening. Father is working there while mother accompany him annddd......shopping!!


Marhaban group
Mother's side of d family did also come to d wed. Nenek supposed to come along too but plan changed at d last minute coz she's not feeling well..cian nenek..=(

Mak Noi & Pcik Muhd

Pak Uda with his family & Busu

Muslimah flower gurlz..hehe..1st time i witness this..

Reena in green
We didn't wait for d groom to arrive coz my parents are leaving for Langkawi this evening. Father is working there while mother accompany him annddd......shopping!!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Ana's Wed
As much as i guess, i didn't get to do 1 of my to-do-list ystrday which is to send my kain to d tailor for my kebaya. Guess what's d reason?! Coz i didn't bring along my kain! Hahaha..i knew it..i must left out at least 1 task if i plan to do something. So before i went to my fren's wed in Kelana Jaya, me & boo went to MARA building for tailoring. My kebaya will only b ready by d end of next month..huhu..lamenye..=(

We haven't met since primary..so more or less about 13 YEARS. Wow..dats so long..half of my age! Her name is Farhana & we're in d same class in standard 6. She's tall kn & dat goes with her 2 best buddies amy & liza but i only met amy..liza had seen farhana last nite so i dun think she'll b coming 2day.

We haven't met since primary..so more or less about 13 YEARS. Wow..dats so long..half of my age! Her name is Farhana & we're in d same class in standard 6. She's tall kn & dat goes with her 2 best buddies amy & liza but i only met amy..liza had seen farhana last nite so i dun think she'll b coming 2day.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Today's Plan
Since 2day i'm on a holiday..yippee..thank God i'm working in Selangor..i plan to settle some of my pending stuff dat i've been longing to do.
1) Go to UM to take my RA pay cheque
My sv's RO said dat d cheque will b out at d end of last month. So hopefully i can pick it up by 2day..if not..i dun know la what to say..lame sgt dh..how much longer must i wait kn..
2) Tailor hunting for my kebaya
I haven't send d kain dat my father bought fr Sulawesi for tailoring yet. Found out fr my officemates dat somewhere in Wisma Yakin & MARA building..there's a lot of tailor shops to choose fr dat provide gud workmanship with reasonable price. I already have a place to jahit for my kurungs but if kebaya..i'm still searching for d right one for me.
3) Gift for my fren's wed 2mrrw
Not a clue of what to buy for her. Looking for something different dat not many would think of giving..hermm..ape ye??
Wonder if i can stick to my plan & not to miss out a single thing..;)
1) Go to UM to take my RA pay cheque
My sv's RO said dat d cheque will b out at d end of last month. So hopefully i can pick it up by 2day..if not..i dun know la what to say..lame sgt dh..how much longer must i wait kn..
2) Tailor hunting for my kebaya
I haven't send d kain dat my father bought fr Sulawesi for tailoring yet. Found out fr my officemates dat somewhere in Wisma Yakin & MARA building..there's a lot of tailor shops to choose fr dat provide gud workmanship with reasonable price. I already have a place to jahit for my kurungs but if kebaya..i'm still searching for d right one for me.
3) Gift for my fren's wed 2mrrw
Not a clue of what to buy for her. Looking for something different dat not many would think of giving..hermm..ape ye??
Wonder if i can stick to my plan & not to miss out a single thing..;)
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Wedding : Henna
I'm not dat of a fan of henna drawings on my hands..prefer juz simple inai without all d commotion. I dun think my fat fingers are suitaible for it..huhu..but i guess u'll never know..i might change my mind..=)

Cntik je kn even without henna drawings..

Very minimal..i think i'll choose this if i decided to have one..

Abstract design

Bersarat sgt..


Cntik je kn even without henna drawings..

Very minimal..i think i'll choose this if i decided to have one..

Abstract design

Bersarat sgt..

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Finally Revealed

This is it..my working space..d place where i do my work fr Mon to Fri..9 to 5. After more than a month..i finally get to post it in my blog. Picture was taken by Maiza who sits behind me. At dat time we dun have anything to do..all work is done. I only got 1 task to do everyday & it took less than 30 MINUTES for me to finish it. Can u imagine dat..7 1/2 hours with nothing to do! Boring to say dat it had been like this for weeks now but by next week i'm going to b a bit bz..not as free as this anymore coz i'll b given more stuff to work on. Dats what i've been told. Hopefully la..if not i rather sleep at home than to wake up in d morning & felt like there's no purpose of me going to d office.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Lil' Things That Made My Day
Suddenly i felt like sms-ing these to Boo..
Me: Honestly, do u miss me? Tell me d truth, dun lie.
Boo: Really miz u. Btul x tipu.
(Padahal we juz met for lunch d day before)
Another sms fr me to him on a different day..
Me : I lap u
Boo : Luv u more
Thanx abg..=)
Me: Honestly, do u miss me? Tell me d truth, dun lie.
Boo: Really miz u. Btul x tipu.
(Padahal we juz met for lunch d day before)
Another sms fr me to him on a different day..
Me : I lap u
Boo : Luv u more
Thanx abg..=)
Monday, December 7, 2009

Ct asked father to buy her a golden necklace fr Brazil & she got it plus a pair of earrings coz it's a set. Then suddenly it came to my senses dat none of us have our ears pierced except for mother. I dun know bout my sisters but d reason for me for not having my ears pierce is bcoz it hurts & i heard dat some piercings can caused bad allergies & infections at d area around d ear lobe. So till now i'll alwiz say TAK NAK! to piercing..=P
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Stupid Mistake

2 more places dat i'll never go to is SAMURI's SATAY KAJANG Taipan branch coz there's ulat in my soup & CANADIAN PIZZA coz their pizzas dh basi! So for any1 out there..dun eat at d 3 restaurants mentioned above if u don't want to experience fud poisoning or diarrhea.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Eyeing On Gulati's
Mother brought nenek to Gulati's to buy her 4-meters kain for her kurung to attend Kak Ina's wed next yr. Jannah & Ct came along too. I really really wanted to follow but damn..i'm having a period pain! *Sigh*. Nenek alwiz wanted to go there since she last saw us wearing fabrics fr Gulati's during mak noi's wed in July. Luv dat place! Sometimes not to buy but juz to look at those gorgeous fabrics especially their french laces. Some of 'em can reach up to thousands of ringgit. Usually d expensive ones are imported fr other countries like Italy & only 1 design for 1 customer. U can never find d exact same design even at other outlets in d whole of M'sia. So anxious right now coz they're not back yet. Can't wait to see what kinda fabric & design nenek chose for herself.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Sony Ericsson W380i

Dearest boo help me to get it ystrday. Wanting to take it more than a month ago but duk tgguh je..there's alwiz something on during weekends. Not only i have to b free on dat day but boo as well since i'm not familiar with BB plaza & need him to accompany me. So happy my lil' blacky is finally here with me..thanx to u abg..=)
**Nenek & atuk are here coz Pak Uda & Mak Uda juz came back fr Hajj..yippee!!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Wedding : Ring
Can b made out of gold, titanium or platinum & are found in various types of cuts as well as designs. For me..i will choose d one dat looks best on my finger..dun really have a personal fave.

So sweet..

Gold ring with diamonds..nice..

Princess cut..simple yet elegant..


Can also follow d theme color of our wedding..sapphire for a blue theme..

Pretty pearl

Cute bling..;)

So sweet..

Gold ring with diamonds..nice..
Princess cut..simple yet elegant..


Can also follow d theme color of our wedding..sapphire for a blue theme..

Pretty pearl

Cute bling..;)
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