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Monday, February 15, 2010

Sat & Sun

It's been a week already dat i haven't updated my blog. Not dat i don't have d time...juz dat i'm too tired going back fr work with a pinch of laziness...huhu...whereas sat & sun are when i relaxed. Thank God 2day's a holiday & 2mrrw as well...yippieee!!!

People say working in d gov 'goyang kaki' but dats totally not in my case. My experienced working at a private company is much more relaxing compared to working at d gov. I guess these is all depends on where u work la. Since i'm in a Ministry...d responsibilities to d public is quite big & therefore d work load is a lot. Besides...there's too much meeting la...so d work dat we're doing tgendala jap.

Ok lah...enuff said about my job...lets concentrate on my activities during d weekends.

Well on Saturday, my days was spent mostly with Boo & Wak whose a fren of Boo (he's name is actually Taufik but they called him Wak caused he's Javanese...=)). We have our lunch at Maju Junction eating...

...sizzling yee mee...

While at nite, me n family had our dinner at d Renaissance Hotel...yee sang...here we come!!

Has alwiz been my fave

Then on Sunday...we're invited to celeb8 Mak Ngah's burfday at her house. All d fud was prepared by none other than Mak Uda! Her rojak sauce was really gud & d secret ingredient is...GARDENIA BREAD...huh?! Hehe...yup it's true...what's more suprising is dat there's no added SHALLOTS. She learned to cook it fr some1 dat she met during Hajj & dat lady is fr Ampang Pecah, KKB...huhu...cm pnh dgr je tmpt tu...=p

Mak Noi & Mak Ngah...cake sponsored by Busu...

For dinner we ate at Hj Sharin Low Seafud Restaurant. My father found out about this place fr Jalan2 Cari Makan & insisted on going there. After a few wrong turns coz we're not familiar with Bukit Antarabangsa...we finally reached our destination. UNFORTUNATELY...d fud being served after 1 HOUR! Crazy isn't it?!! Then, yee sang finished...kedondong also finished...what d hell is dat??!!!

1st dish after an hour at 10:15pm!

Last dish, Champion chicken...hermmm...more to LOSER chicken...

One thing unique about this place is this...

...tudung saji fan...(' ',)

Out of 5 stars...i would give only 2 stars to this restaurant. So d moral of d story is dat never believe dat d fud in wat ever restaurant shown in JJCM are super duper delicious. Make sure if ur going to an eatery place proposed by JJCM...DUN EVER GO with an empty stomach...hehehe...


  1. We apologize for the late service provided to you, we were not expecting a large croud on the 14th. Furthermore, with majority of our suppliers closed for CNY, we could not get our supplies delivered to us. We know its unacceptable to wait 1 hour before the food arrives. We are working really hard on improving our service. Please accept our humble apology.
    Mohammad Azimullah
    Hj Sharin Low Seafood Restaurant

  2. how come u know about my blog? anyway...apology accepted. one of my fren had already went to ur restaurant & she said dat d fud was quite gud. next time b consistent ok.

  3. We are very serious about our customers complaints, we try to get as much feedback as possible, through the internet and others. We got to know about your blog through a google search. Thank you for your complaint! Hope to see you again soon!
